One of Mimi’s favorite pastimes is getting a breath of fresh air on our balcony. She puts her tiny head between the posts of the balcony and enjoys the spectacular view as much as we do! Recently, however, because our balcony gets quite a few gusts at this height, we have installed a wind barrier to protect our potted garden. Unfortunately, this barrier prohibits Mimi’s 20cm-high view of our 25th-story vista. Here’s our design solution: a tiny laser-cut door to give Mimi an unobstructed view!
Mimi is a happy, peppy pup and the theme we chose was equally fun and playful. For the basics of the main design Continue reading Mimi’s Doggie Door →
This publication is not the first to feature Kathy May’s medical knowledge but it is the first to feature her medical illustration! Take a look at this surgical technique paper by the one and only Ken Wald, written along with Joe Tseng, Jane Myung, and Alex Dillon that was published in Retina, the premier scientific publication for retina specialists. The paper describes Continue reading Kathy May’s Medical Illustrations Published in a Retina Paper →
Just because we moved out of NYC doesn’t mean that we would miss one of our favorite events of the year: World Maker Faire! How do we explain Maker Faire? It’s an Continue reading World Maker Faire 2016: The Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth →
Here are some of the arts and crafts that Kathy May and Silas have produced over the years. Note their photographs are filed separately under “Photography.”

2D Art: Kathy’s two-dimensional art includes graphite, pen and ink, colored pencil, watercolor pencil, watercolor paint, acrylic, charcoal, and pastel.

3D Art: Kathy has dabbled in clay sculpture. See some of her experiments here.

3D Origami: Kathy’s mom, Hue, taught her the art of modular origami. These are some of their creations.

Paper flowers: Kathy’s mom, Hue, also taught her the art of paper flowers, and Kathy has further developed the techniques.
Kathy’s mom, Hue, taught her how to make the paper flowers and 3D origami in the links above. See below for some of Hue’s other crafts. Additionally, come back soon to see albums of the artwork, woodworking, and other projects that Kathy’s brother, Tom-Vinh, has created!

Thanks for viewing some of my two-dimensional works. I prefer graphite drawings, but I have also worked with ink, charcoal, colored pencil, watercolor pencil, watercolor, and Continue reading Kathy’s Drawings →
Welcome to Our Website!
We are Kathy May and Silas, a couple of normal folk temporarily located in Boston. We hand-coded our individual personal websites since our college years, but decided to combine them as in 2008. In 2016, our website underwent a major overhaul to what you see today! In addition to amateur web design, we also share a number of other hobbies and interests, including but not limited to photography, electronics, arts and crafts, exploring, volunteerism, healthcare, and experiencing new things in general! Most of all, we enjoy doing these things together!
Continue reading About us →