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About us | Kathy May & Silas

About us

Welcome to Our Website!

We are Kathy May and Silas, a couple of normal folk temporarily located in Boston. We hand-coded our individual personal websites since our college years, but decided to combine them as www.kathymayandsilas.com in 2008. In 2016, our website underwent a major overhaul to what you see today! In addition to amateur web design, we also share a number of other hobbies and interests, including but not limited to photography, electronics, arts and crafts, exploring, volunteerism, healthcare, and experiencing new things in general! Most of all, we enjoy doing these things together!

Kathy May is currently an internal medicine resident at Massachusetts General Hospital. Silas is a comprehensive ophthalmologist and Instructor at the  Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary. They met 12 years ago at Yale and have been sharing adventures together since… with many more to come!

We invite you to explore the links below to learn about aspects of our lives that we value. Afterwards, please browse our blog to see what we are up to! More updates will be posted frequently. Finally, keep in touch with us by commenting on any page. We would love to hear from you!

Thanks for visiting us,
– Kathy May and Silas

Our Loved Ones:

Kathy May’s Mom
Kathy May’s Brother
Silas’ Brother

Our Organizations:

Habitat for Humanity
Boston Makers

Our Hobbies:

Arts & Crafts
Japanese Shore Crabs
Lab Mice

Silas’ Professional Website (Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary)
Silas’ Publications & Abstracts
Kathy’s Publications & Abstracts

2 thoughts on “About us”

  1. Hi kathy

    Just watched your video to carry mimi in a cloth
    How long was the cloth you used please and where can we get them?
    Great video ❤️

    1. Hi, thank you for watching our video and for your question! We used a bolt of cloth that was 2.5 yards (90 inches) long and 45 inches wide. We cut it in half lengthwise and stitched the edges together so that the final wrap was 180 inches long and 22.5 inches wide. For written instructions, please visit the page http://www.kathymayandsilas.com/2018/02/08/doggiewrap/ on our website. Hope you are successful and that your dog (or baby) enjoys it!

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